In the modern digital age, cyber security is of supreme importance due to the ever-growing dependence on information and communication technology and the World Wide Web. Cyber security plays a crucial role in safeguarding businesses, government setups, individuals, and the societies at large from various cyber threats and attacks. The most important tasks of cyber security include protection of sensitive data by ensuring that the data remain confidential, secure, and inaccessible to potential attackers or unauthorized sniffers. Cyber security provides the defense against various cyber threats like malware, ransomware, phishing, etc. Since the threats are becoming more and more sophisticated and unidentifiable, cyber security approaches need to keep abreast to detect, prevent, and mitigate the threats. There is a huge requirement for IT companies to analyze and investigate cyber-attacks. Though there are teams like SIEM, CISSP, information security analysts are working for the companies to provide good performances, attackers coming up with different patterns to affect the CIA triad. Digitization and internet in today’s world changed the human lifestyle by increasing business opportunities and social connections. Today there are many techniques developed in cyber security to defend national and international cybercrimes. Protecting from cyber threats, identifying threats in less time, recovering data lost, preventing system from further risk are the main functions of cyber security which are also considered as major concerns in companies and private lives.