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Admissions 2024 - 25

Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA

Amiya Halder

Assistant Professor

Computer Science & Engineering | CSE

Academic Information


Ph.D.: Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST) Shibpur (Ongoing)

M.Tech.: Jadavpur University, 2003

B.Tech.: Calcutta University 2001

Area of Specialization


Image Processing




21 Years


Date of Joining


Date of Assign as Prof. / A.P


Data Structure and Algorithm

Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Formal Language and Automata Theory

Compiler Design

Image Processing

Soft Computing

Computer Graphics

Introduction to Computing

Operating System

Principles of Programming Language

Journal Publications 

  1. Amiya Halder, Apurba Sarkar, and Rudrajit Choudhuri, “Automated Brain Tumor Analysis using Deep Learning Based Framework”, Medical Data Analysis and Processing using Explainable Artificial Intelligence, CRC press, Taylor & Francic, 2023 (in press).
  2. Amiya Halder, Pritam Bhattacharya, Apurba Sarkar, Rudrajit Choudhuri, “A Novel Statistical Golden Ratio based Adaptive High Density Impulse Noise Removal Algorithm”, Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal, Springer, pp. 1-34, 2022 (SCI).
  3. Rudrajit Choudhuri and Amiya Halder, “Brain MRI Tumour Classification using Quantum Classical Convolutional Neural NetArchitecture”, Neural Computing and Applications Journal, Springer, pp. 1-22, 2022 (SCI).
  4. Amiya Halder, Pritam Bhattacharya and Apurba Sarkar, “An Adaptive Non-linear Statistical Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal Algorithm using Interquartile Range”, Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis 18(1):76-91, 2019 (Scopus).
  5. Amiya Halder, Sayan Halder, Samrat Chakraborty and Apurba Sarkar, “A Statistical Salt and Pepper Noise Removal Algorithm”, International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 19, No. 1 (2019) 1950006 (29 pages) (Scopus).


Conference Publications 

  1. Amiya Halder, Rudrajit Choudhuri, Pritam Bhattacharya, and Apurba Sarkar, “Enhanced Kernelized Conditional Spatial Fuzzy C Means Algorithm for Noisy Brain MRI Tissue Segmentation”, 13th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 2023. Article No.: 43Pages 1–9
  2. Amiya Halder, Rudrajit Choudhuri, and Apurba Sarkar, , “A Novel Statistical High Density Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal Algorithm for Brain Magnetic Resonance Images”, 13th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 2023. Article No.: 30Pages 1–9
  3. Arinjay Bhowmick, Rudrajit Choudhuri, and Amiya Halder, “Robust Statistical Enhancement Techniques for High-Density Impulse Noise Reduction” , International Conference On Signal Processing and Computer Vision (SIPCOV-2023), NIT Shilchar, March 30 – 31 , 2023. (in press)
  4. Rudrajit Chouduri and Amiya Halder, “Histopathological Nuclei Segmentation using Spatial Kernelized Fuzzy Clustering Approach”, in 11th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving, 2023.
  5. Rudrajit Choudhuri and Amiya Halder, “Adaptive Rough-Fuzzy Kernelized Clustering Algorithm for Noisy Brain MRI Tissue Segmentation”, 6th International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP-2021), Springer, pp. 561-573, November 2021.
  6. Rudrajit Choudhuri, Sayan Halder and Amiya Halder, “A Novel Rough Set Based Image Denoising Algorithm”, Sixth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP-2021), IEEE Xplore, pp 19-24, November 2021.
  7. Amiya Halder and Rudrajit Choudhuri, “Impulse Noise Removal Algorithm using Modified Adaptive Distance Related Weighted Mean Filter” Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, Springer, pp. 235-245, April 2021.
  8. Amiya Halder and Rudrajit Choudhuri, “High Density Salt-and-pepper Noise Removal Algorithm using Statistical Approach”, International Conference on Advanced Computing, Springer, pp. 563-573, March 2021.
  9. Amiya Halder, A Sarkar, and Nikita Shah, “ Modified Contrast Enhancement Algorithm using Numerical Integration Simpson’s Method”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Pattern Recognition , Springer, pp. 315-324, 2020.
  10. Amiya Halder and Nikita Shah, “Contrast Enhancement Algorithm using Definite Integration Mathematical Method Trapezoidal Rule”, International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and System, Springer, pp. 377-385, 13- 15th January, 2020.
  11. Srija Raha, Kasturi Saha, Sreya Sil and Amiya Halder, “Supervised Change Detection Technique on Remote Sensing Images using F-Distribution and MRF model”, International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and System, Springer, pp. 249-256, 13-15th January, 2020.
  12. Srija Raha, Kasturi Saha, Sreya Sil and Amiya Halder, “Semi-Supervised Change Detection Technique on Remote Sensing Images using Posterior Probabilities”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Pattern Recognition , Springer, pp. 269-276, 2020.
  13. Amiya Halder and Sumon Nath, “ Rank-wise Weighted Mean Filter for Gaussian Noise Removal” 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, IEEE, pp 1-6, July 2019.
  14. A Halder, D. Samaddar, Gaussian Noise Removal Algorithm using Statistical Method ,International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, pp. 640-644, April,2019.
  15. Amiya Halder, Supravo Sengupta, Pritam Bhattacharya, Apurba Sarkar, Fast Adaptive Decision-Based Mean Filter for Removing Salt-and-Pepper Noise in Images, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, pp. 783-793, January,2019.
  16. Amiya Halder, Sneha Ghose, Blood Vessel Extraction from Retinal Images Using Modified Gaussian Filter and Bottom-Hat Transformation, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, pp. 357-763, January,2019.
  17. Amiya Halder, Avranil Maity, Apurba Sarkar and Ananya Das, A Dynamic Spatial Fuzzy C-Means Clustering based Medical Image Segmentation, International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security, pp. 829-836, Springer. March 2018.
  18. Amiya Halder, Aritra Kundu, Apurba Sarkar and Kanik Palodhi, A Memory Efficient Image Compression method using DWT applied to Histogram based Block Optimization,,International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security (IEMIS 2018), pp. 287–295, Springer. March 2018.
  19. Amiya Halder, Pritam Bhattacharya and Aritra Kundu, Edge Detection Method using Richardson’s Extrapolation Formula, International Conference on Soft Computing in Data Analytics, pp. 727-733, Springer,March 2018.
  20. Amiya Halder, Apurba Sarkar and Sneha Ghose, Adaptive Histogram Equalization and Opening Operation based Blood Vessel Extraction, International Conference on Soft Computing in Data Analytics, pp. 557-564, Springer, March 2018.
  21. Amiya Halder, Souvik Dutta, Apurba Sarkar and Pritam Bhattacharya, Contrast Enhancement Using Savitzky Golay Filter Convolution Coefficients, Fifth International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1-4, January, 2018.
  22. Amiya Halder, Avranil Maity and Ananya Das, Medical Image Segmentation using GA basedModified Spatial FCM Clustering. International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing, Communication and Security, pp. 595-601, Springer, January 2018.
  23. Oyendrila Dobe, Apurba Sarkar and Amiya Halder, Rough K-means and Morphological Operation based Brain Tumor Extraction, International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing, Communication and Security, pp. 661-667, Springer, January 2018.
  24. Amiya Halder, Kasturi Saha, Apurba Sarkar and Arnab Sen, “A Change Detection Technique using Rough C-Means on Medical Images”, International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Soft Computing (CISC-2017), pp. 197-205, Springer, December, 2017.
  25. Amiya Halder and Souvik Dutta, “Automatic lip extraction using DHT and Active Contour”,  International Symposium on Signal and Image Processing (ISSIP 2017),  pp. 121-130, Springer , November, 2017.
  26. Amiya Halder and Siddartha Guha, “Rough Kernelized Fuzzy C-Means Based Medical Image Segmentation”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics, Springer, pp. 466-474, March 2017.
  27. Amiya Halder and Oyendrila Dobe, “Rough K-means and Support Vector Machine based Brain Tumor Detection”, 6th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Informatics, IEEE Xplore, pp. 116-120, September 2017.
  28. Amiya Halder and Siddartha Guha, “Medical Image Segmentation using Rough-Spatial Kernelized FCM Algorithm”, 6th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication a and Informatics, IEEE Xplore, pp. 818-823, September 2017.
  29. Amiya Halder and Oyendrila Dobe, “Detection of Tumor in Brain MRI using Fuzzy Feature Selection and Support Vector Machine”, 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication a and Informatics, pp. 1919-1923, IEEE Xplore, September 2016.
  30. Amiya Halder, Anuva Pradhan, Sourjya Kumar Dutta and Pritam Bhattacharya, “Tumor Extraction from MRI images using Dynamic Genetic Algorithm based Image Segmentation and Morphological Operation”,5thInternational Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP), pp. 1845-1849, IEEE Xplore, April, 2016.
  31. Amiya Halder, Sayan Halder, Samrat Chakraborty, ” A Novel Iterative Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal Algorithm”, 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2015, pp. 636-643, Springer, November 2015.
  32. Kanik Palodhi, Dhrubajyoti Dawn and Amiya Halder, “Blood Cells Counting by Dynamic Area-averaging Using Morphological Operations to SEM Images of Cancerous Blood Cells”,  International Symposium on Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems  (SIRS), pp. 267-272, Sringer, December 2015.
  33. Amiya Halder and Pritam Bhattacharya, “An application of Bottom Hat transformation to extract blood vessel from retinal images”, 4th International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2015, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1791-1795, April, 2015.
  34. Amiya Halder and Sajid Hassan, “Self-organizing feature map and linear discriminant analysis based image segmentation”,Futuristic Trends on Computational Analysis and Knowledge Management (ABLAZE), 2015, pp. 394-399, IEEE Xplore, February 2015.
  35. Amiya Halder, Shruti Dalmiya and Tanmana Sadhu, “Color Image Segmentation Using Semi-supervised Self-organization Feature Map” Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems 2014, pp. 591-598, Springer, India.
  36. Amitava Halder, Chandan Giri, Amiya Halder, Brain tumor detection using segmentation based Object labeling algorithm, International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Instrumentation (ICECI), IEEE, pp. 1-4.
  37. Amiya Halder, “Dynamic Contrast Enhancement Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Applications”, vol 74, no. 12, pp 1-4, Junuary 2013.
  38. Amiya Halder, Avijit Dasgupta and Susmita Ghosh, “Image Segmentation using Rough-Fuzzy K-medoid Algorithm”, CODIS 2012, pp. 109-112, pp. 53-58, IEEE Xplore, Jadavpur University, 28-29 December, 2012, India.
  39. Amiya Halder and Avijit Dasgupta, “Image Segmentation using Rough Set based K-means Algorithm”, CUBE 2012, ACM Digital Library, 3-5 September 2012, Pune, Maharastra, India.
  40. Amiya Halder, Arindam Kar andSoumajit Pramanik, “ Histogram based Evolutionary Dynamic Image Segmentation”, 4th International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology, pp. 585-589, IEEE Xplore, 2012.
  41. Subarna Dutta,Aditya Abhinav, Partha Dutta, Purushottam Kumar and Amiya Halder, “An Efficient Image Compression Algorithm Based on Histogram Based Block Optimization and Arithmetic Coding”, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol 4, No. 6, pp. 954-937, December 2012.
  42. Amiya Halder and Abhijit Dasgupta, “Color Image Segmentation using Rough Set based K-means Algorithm”, International Journal of Computer Application, Vol. 57, No.12, pp. 33-37, November 2012.
  43. Amiya Halder and Soumajit Pramanik, “An Unsupervised Dynamic Image Segmentation using Fuzzy Hopfield Neural Network based Genetic Algorithm”, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, DBLP, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 525-532, March 2012.
  44. Anupam Mukherjee, Mitankar Das Sarkar, and Amiya Halder, “Predictive Lossless ColourImage Compression using Arithmetic Operation ”, International Journal of Computer Application, Vol. 43, No.5, pp.43-46, April 2012.
  45. Dipak Kumar Kole and Amiya Halder, “Automatic Brain Tumor Detection and Isolation of Tumor Cells from MRI Images ”, International Journal of Computer Application, Vol. 39, No.16, pp.26-30, February 2012.
  46. Amiya Halder, NilabhaChatterjee, Arindam Kar, Swastik Pal and Soumajit Pramanik, “ Edge Detection: A Statistical Approach”,  3rd International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology,Vol.2, pp. 306-309, IEEE Xplore, 2011.
  47. Mitankar Das Sarkar, Anupam Mukherjee and Amiya Halder, “Arithmetic Operation based Predective Lossless Image Compression”, ICSCCN 2011, pp. 218- 221, IEEE Xplore, 2011.
  48. Amiya Halder and Nilavra Pathak, “An Evolutionary Dynamic Clustering based Colour Image Segmentation”, International Journal of Image Processing, Vol 4, No. 6, pp.548-555, January/February 2011.
  49. Amiya Halder, Soumajit Pramanik and Arindam Kar, “Dynamic Image Segmentation using Fuzzy C- means based Genetic Algorithm”, International Journal of Computer Application, Vol. 28, No.6,pp.15-20, August 2011.
  50. Dipak Kumar Kole and Amiya Halder, “An efficient dynamic Image segmentation algorithm using a hybrid technique based on particle swarm optimization and Genetic Algorithm”, ACE-2010, pp.-252-255, IEEE Xplore,June 21-22, 2010.
  51. Dipak Kumar Kole and Amiya Halder ,“An Efficient Image Segmentation Algorithm using Dynamic GA based Clustering”, International Journal of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Vol. 2, No. 1,pp.17-20, Jan-June 2010.
  52. Amiya Halder, Sourav Dey, Soumyodeep Mukherjee and Ayan Banerjee, “An Efficient Image Compression Algorithm Based on Block Optimization and Byte Compression”, International Journal of Technology and Engineering System, Volume 1, No. 1, pp. 41-45, Jan-June 2010.
  53. Subarna Bhattacharjee, Dipak Kumar Kole andAmiya Halder, “On-line Image Compression based on Pipelined Architecture,” International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol 2, No. 6, pp. 851-859, December 2010.
  54. Ayan Banerjee and Amiya Halder, “An Efficient Dynamic Image Compression Algorithm Based on Block Optimization, Byte Compression and Run-Length Encoding along the Y-axis”, IEEE ICCSIT 2010, IEEE Computer Society Press,pp. 356-360, July 9-11, 2010.
  55. Soumik Banerjee, Nilavra Phathak and Amiya Halder, “An Improved Averaging Filtering Technique based on Statistical Trust Model”, IEEE ICCSIT 2010, IEEE Computer Society Press,pp.373-377, July 9-11, 2010.
  56. Sreya Banerjee, Amiya Halder and Ayan Banerjee, “An Efficient Automatic Hierarchical Image Segmentation Algorithm based on Modal Analysis and Mutational Agglomeration”, ICCCT 2010, IEEE Xplore, pp. 216-219, 2010.
  57. Amiya Halder, Soumajit Pramanik, Swastik Pal, Nilabha Chatterjee and Arindam Kar, “Modal and Mutational Agglomeration based Automatic Colour Image Segmentation”, 3rd International Conference in Computer Vision, pp. 481-485, 2010.
  58. Ayan Banerjee and Amiya Halder, “An Efficient Image Compression Algorithm for almost Dual-Color Image Based on K-Means Clustering, Bit-Map Generation and RLE”, ICCCT 2010, IEEE Xplore, pp. 201-205, 2010.
  59. Debashis Chakraborty and Amiya Halder, “An Efficient Lossless Image Compression Using Special Character Replacement”, ICCET-2010, 13-14, November, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 2010.
  60. Amiya Halder, Dipak Kumar Kole, Subarna Bhattacharjee, “On-line colour image compression based on pipelined architecture ”, Second International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering, IEEE Xplore, pp. 533-537, December, 2009.


Book Chapter

  1. Amiya Halder and Apurba Sarkar, “Automatic Detection of Tumor Cell in Brain MRI using Rough-Fuzzy Feature Selection with Support Vector Machine and Morphological Operation”, Advanced Machine Learning Approaches in Cancer Prognosis, pp. 221—246, Springer, 2021.



Life Member : ISTE (No: LM 123518)

Member: IEEE (No: 93847331)



  1. QIP Short Term Course sponsored by AICTE on “Image and Video Processing” offered by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur during 23rd November to 6th December 2009.
  2. UGC Refreshers Course in the subject “Theoretical Aspect Computer Science” from January 11 to February 2nd 2007 organized by Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
  3. Short-Term Training Programmeon “Data Structures and Algorithms” from 04-07-2016 to 15-07-2016 organized by NITTTR, Kolkata.
  4. 5-Days Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “ Research Methodology and Document Preparation in LATEX”, August 17, 2020 to August 21, 2020 organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, St. Thomas’, College of Engineering & Technology.
  5. AICTE Sponsored six day Online Short Term Training Programme on “ Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition and their Applications” from 23-11-2020 to 28-11-2020 organized by Department of Information Technology, St. Thomas’ College of Engineering & Technology.
  6. NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme on “Computer Vision” from July-October 2021.
  7. NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme on “Deep Learning” from September-December 2020.
  8. NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme on “Introduction to Algorithms and Analysis” from January-April 2020.
  9. Faculty Development Program on “ Data Security and IOT” from 11th July to 15th July 2022 organized by Department of Electronics and Communication, St. Thomas’ College of Engineering & Technology.
  10. Faculty Development Program on “Internet of Things (IoT)” from 1st December to 5th December 2020 organized by Department of Electronics and Communication, St. Thomas’ College of Engineering & Technology.
  11. Faculty Development Program on “Effective Teaching and Learning” from 6th to 8th September 2021 organized by Research& Development (R&D) Cell, St. Thomas’ College of Engineering & Technology
  12. NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme on “Introduction to Soft Computing” from September-December 2022.
  13. Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Inteligence in Advanced Machine Machine Learning and Cloud Computing ” from 10th to 14th July 2023 organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, in association with IQAC, Haldia Institute ofTechnology.



UG Project Guided

  1. Analysis of Non-linear Algorithms for Removal of Impulse Noise from Images: 2017
  2. Detection and Extraction of Tumor from Brain MRI : 2017
  3. Barcode Extraction from Highly Noisy Images: 2018
  4. Detection and Extraction of Fibrosis in RAT Liver Image using Unsupervised Clustering and Support Vector Machine: 2018
  5. Segmentation and Noise Reduction of Medical Images: 2019
  6. Change Detection of Remote Sensing Images: 2019
  7. Fingerprint Recognition based Attendance System: 2020
  8. Comparative study of Sorting Techniques:2020
  9. Detection of Tumour from brain MRI using fuzzy feature selection and Support Vector Machine:2020
  10. Automatic Brain Tumor Detection and Classification of Brain MRI images: 2021
  11. Analysis of Comparison based Sorting Algorithms: 2021
  12. Brain Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis for Automated Tumor Diagnosis using Statistical and Deep Learning based Approach: 2022
  13. Automatic Face Recognition based Touch-less Attendance System: 2022
  14. Face Recognition based Attendance System: 2023
  15. Blood Vessel Extraction from Retinal Images: 2023


PG Project Guided

  1. Brain Tumor detection and measurement of tumor cells from MRI images: 2013