Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA.
Congratulations Shabnam Parween (Passout Batch 2024), on receiving offer from FLIPKART with a remuneration of 25.7 LPA

Admissions 2024 - 25

Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA

Dr. Amit Paul

Associate Professor

Computer Science & Engineering | CSE

Academic Information


Ph. D. (Engg.): Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, 2017

M.Tech.: Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, 2008

B.Tech.: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, formerly known as West Bengal University of Technology, 2005

Area of Specialization

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Bio-Informatics, Data Mining.



10 years


17 years


Date of Joining


Date of Assign as Prof. / A.P



Computer Organization

Computer Architecture

Machine learning

Warehousing and Data Mining

Bio Informatics

Journal Publications

  1. Amit Paul and Jaya Sil, “Optimized time-lag differential method for constructing gene regulatory network”, Information Sciences, Elsevier, 2019, Vol-478, pp. 222-238, doi- 10.1016/j.ins.2018.11.019, Impact Factor-8.233.
  2. Amit Paul and Jaya Sil, “Identification of differentially expressed genes to establish new Biomarker for cancer prediction”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, November/December 2019, Vol-16, Issue-6, pp.- 1970-1985, doi-10.1109/TCBB.2018.2837095, Impact Factor-3.702.
  3. Amit Paul, Chitrangada Das Mukhopadhyay, and Jaya Sil, “Gene selection for designing optimal fuzzy rule base classifier by estimating missing value”, Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, 2017, Vol-55, pp. 276-288, doi-10.1016/j.asoc.2017.01.046, Impact Factor-8.263.
  4. Amit Paul, Anupam Ghosh and Jaya Sil, “Dimension Reduction of Gene Expression Data using Redundancy Removal AlgorithmData Compression Approach”, International Journal of Bioinformatics, Serials Publications, 2008, Vol-1, No. 1, pp. 19-30.
  5. Amit Paul and Jaya Sil, “Dimension Reduction of Gene Expression Data Based on Rough Set Theory”, International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, Serials Publications, 2008, Vol-1, No. 1, pp. 101-111.

International Conference Presentations

  1. Rudrajit Choudhuri and Amit Paul, Multi Class Image Classification for Detection Of Diseases Using Chest X Ray Images," 2021 8th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), IEEE, 2021, pp. 769-773, doi-10.1109/INDIACom51348.2021.00137.
  2. Amit Paul, Jaya Sil and Chitrangada Das Mukhopadhyay, “Feature Filtering of Amino acid sequences Using Rough Set Theory”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (ICCIDM-2014), Springer, Sambalpur, India, 2014,459-468, doi- 10.1007/978-81-322-2205-7_43.
  3. Amit Paul, Jaya Sil and Chitrangada Das Mukhopadhyay, “Dimension Reduction of Gene Expression Data for Designing Optimized Rule Base Classifier”, Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT-2014), Springer, Dhanbad, India, 2014, pp. 133-140, doi- 10.1007/978-81-322-1856-2_15.
  4. Amit Paul and Jaya Sil, “Gene Selection for Classifying Patients using Fuzzy Importance Factor”, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), IEEE, Hyderabad, India, 2013, pp. 1-7, doi- 10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE.2013.6622383.
  5. Amit Paul and Jaya Sil, “Missing Value Estimation in Microarray Data Using Coregulation and Similarity of Genes”, World Congress on Information and Technologies (WICT 2011), IEEE, Mumbai, India, 2011, 709-714, doi- 10.1109/WICT.2011.6141332.
  6. Amit Paul and Jaya Sil, “Estimating Missing Value in Microarray Gene Expression Data Using Fuzzy Similarity Measure”, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), IEEE, Taipei, Taiwan, 2011, pp. 1890-1895, doi: 10.1109/FUZZY.2011.6007669.
  7. Amit Paul and Jaya Sil, “Sample Selection of Microarray data using Rough-Fuzzy based Approach”, World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NABIC 09), IEEE, Coimbatore, India, 2009, pp. 379-384, doi- 10.1109/NABIC.2009.5393852.




Member:IEEE membership (No: 94496025),

Life member: Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs) – Global



  1. FDP on Data Security and IoT, St. Thomas’ College of Engineering & Technologyfrom11-15 July, 2022.
  2. FDP on Effective teaching and learning, St. Thomas’ College of Engineering & Technology from 6th – 8th September, 2021.
  3. Emerging Topics in Computing: Quantum, Microfluidics and Memristors, JIS University from 9-13August, 2021.
  4. Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education, All India Council for Technical Educationfrom 19thApril, 2021 to 23rdApril, 2021.
  5. ATAL Academy Online FDP on “ArtificialIntelligence”, 2020-11-23 to 2020-11-27 at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Kolkata.
  6. Problem Solving with SCILAB, CU32, NITTTR, Kolkata.
  7. FDP on Microprocessor & Embedded Systems at NITTR.

UG Project Guided

Parking Go- Android application for Parking System

Assignment Submission Portal

Clustering on Microarray gene expression data

Road Network Identification from Aerial Imagery

Brand Perception Using Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Youtube Adview Prediction


Autonomous Obstacle Detection and Navigation Drone Development with APM and Raspberry Pi.

Reconstruction of gene regulatory network for Cancer Disease.


PG Project Guided 

Self driving car


Invited Lecture 

  1. FDP lecture at MCKV, Howrah on 12th Feb, 2020.