Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA.
Congratulations Shabnam Parween (Passout Batch 2024), on receiving offer from FLIPKART with a remuneration of 25.7 LPA

Admissions 2024 - 25

Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA

Dr. Krishna Sarker

Associate Professor, HOD

Electrical Engineering | EE

Academic Information


Ph.D.: Jadavpur University (JU), 2019.

M. Tech:  Calcutta University (CU), 2009

Area of Specialization

Power System, Electrical Power, Harmonic Optimization of different Distributed Generation (DG) units connected to Micro grid.




17 Years


Date of Joining


Date of Assign as Prof. / A.P




Electric Circuit Theory (PC-EE-301)

Control System PC-EE-503


Control system Lab (PC-EE-593),


Circuit Theory Lab (PC-EE-391),

Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory for IT (ES-EE191).

Journal Publications

  1. Jayanti Sarker, Krishna Sarker, Swapan Kumar Goswami (2024) Enhancing Power System Observability: For Simultaneous Placement of PMUs and PFMs with Contingency Considerations. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering (JEE), March 2024, Volume 17 Issue 3.
  2. Shawanti Roy, Jayanti Sarker, Sayan Paramanik, Krishna Sarker (2024). Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) Research Study on STEADY -STATE POWER FLOW. March 2024 (Volume 18 Issue 1) issue of i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering (JEE).
  3. Sayan Mondal, Debjit Mukherjee, Darothee Deyashi, Krishna Sarker. Avancing Sustainability and Comfort through Smart Sensors and IoT: A Comprehensive Analysis of Automatic Light Control Systems in Residential and Commercial Environments” March 2024 (Volume 17 Issue 3) issue of i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering (JEE).
  4. Krishna Sarker, Debashis Chatterjee, S. K. Goswami. An optimized co-ordinated approach for harmonic minimization of Doubly Fed Induction Generator connected micro-grid system. International Journal of Electrical Power &Energy Systems, vol. 64, pages 58-70, January
  5. Krishna Sarker, Debashis Chatterjee, S. K. Goswami. Grid integration of photovoltaic and wind-based hybrid distributed generation system with low harmonic injection and power quality improvement using biogeography-based optimization, Renewable Energy Focus, Volume 22, pages 38-56, Publication date 2017/12.
  6. Krishna Sarker, Debashis Chatterjee, S. K. Goswami. A Modified Harmonic Minimization Technique for Doubly Fed Induction Generators with Solar-wind Hybrid System using Biogeography-based Optimization, IET Power Electronics, Issue ISSN 1755-4543,DOI: 10.1049/iet-pel.2017.0818, pages 58-70, Publication date 2018/3/23.
  7. Sarker, Krishna, Debashis Chatterjee, and S. K. Goswami. “A modified PV-wind-PEMFCS-based hybrid UPQC system with combined DVR/STATCOM operation by harmonic compensation.” International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 41, no. 4 (2021): 243-255.
  8. Santra, K. Sarker, A. Mukherjee, A. Mondal, Hybrid PSO-ACO technique to solve multi-constraint economic load dispatch problems for 6-generator system, International Journal of Computers and Applications 38 (2-3), 96-115, 2016.
  9. Krishna Sarker, Debashis Chatterjee, S. K. Goswami. BBO-Based Multilevel Inverter for Photovoltaic-Fed Dynamic Voltage Restorer, Springer Publishers, ELEN-D-19-00065, January 2020 (Processing).
  10. Sayan Paramanik, Krishna Sarker, Jayanti Sarker. Grid Integration and Power Quality Improvement of Smart Grid. IEEE, i-manager’s Journal on Power System Engineering 7(1), 29,
  11. Sayan Paramanik, Indranil Kushary, Krishna Sarker. Smart Meter Configuration for Better Energy Consumption with Fault Detection. i-manager’s Journal on Power System Engineering 7(1), 12,
  12. Krishna Sarker, Tanmoy Chakraborty, Sayan Paramanik, Jayanti Sarker, Satadal Mal, Utpal Biswas. Hybrid PV and Wind Based Energy Optimized Control Scheme by Using FACTS and PSO Technique. Journal of Electrical Engineering, JEE-00130.
  13. Krishna Sarker, Biman Ray, Jayanti Sarker, Dipankar Santra. Solution for Different Convex and Non- Convex Economic Dispatch Problems for Large Scale System by Stochastic Search Algorithm. Journals of Advancement in Machines, Vol.4, Issue.2, 23-36,
  14. Krishna Sarker, Biman Ray, Jayanti Sarker, Dipankar Santra. A Solution procedure to the economic load dispatch problem through the gravitational search technique. International Journal of Engineering Science and technology. Vol.11, Issue.1, 10-21, 2019.
  15. Dipankar Santra, Krishna Sarker, Anirban Mukherjee, Subrata Mondal. Combined economic emission and load dispatch using hybrid metaheuristics. International Journal of Hybrid Intelligence, Inder science Publishers (IEL), Vol.1, Issue.2-3, 211-238, 2019/11/5.
  16. Santra, D., A. Mukherjee, K. Sarker, and S. Mondal. “Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Gravitational Search Algorithm to Optimize Multi-Scale Load Dispatch.” International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC) 12, no. 3 (2021): 28-53.
  17. Paramanik, Sayan, and Krishna Sarker. “A HARMONIC OPTIMIZATION APPROACH OF 500 KVA HOG CONVERTER.” Journal on Electronics Engineering 10, no. 4 (2020).
  18. Krishna Sarker (24), FC-PV-battery-Z source-BBO integrated unified power quality conditioner for sensitive load & EV charging station. Journal of Energy Storage, Elsevier, Volume 75, 2024, 109671, ISSN 2352-152X,
  19. Krishna Sarker, Koustuv Sarkar, Jayanti Sarker, Pritam Bhowmik, D Chatterjee, SK Goswami (2024), “Power quality investigation with multilevel inverter by photovoltaic-fed dynamic voltage restorer”. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Taylor & Francis, 1-27, 2024/3/14, Accession Number- WOS:001184032700001, ISSN- 0228-6203, eISSN- 1925- 7082 DOI:10.1080/02286203.2024.2327647.
  20. Shawanti Roy, Sayan Paramanik, Krishna Sarker (2023),”AN APPROACH TO HARMONIC OPTIMIZATION FOR 25KVA AUXILIARY CONVERTER USED IN INDIAN RAILWAY”, i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering, 2023, Vol 13, Issue 4, p 36 , 2023/7/1, ISSN-2229-7286, DOI- 10.26634/jele.13.4.20155.
  21. Souptik Das, Tirthankar Chakraborty, Abantika Choudhary, Sayan Paramanik, Krishna Sarker, Koustuv Sarkar (2023), “DESIGN OF VIRTUAL ELECTRICAL LABORATORIES FOR PERFORMING STEADY STATE AND TRANSIENT RESPONSE OF RL, RC AND RLC CIRCUIT”, i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering, 2023, Vol 13, Issue 4, p10, ISSN-2229-7286, Publication type-Academic Journal, DOI 10.26634/jele.13.4.20069
  22. Abantika Choudhary, Debapriya Das, Sayan Paramanik, Krishna Sarker, Indrayudh Bandyopadhyay, “VIRTUAL LAB DESIGN FOR ACTIVE FILTER CIRCUITS”, i-manager’s Journal on Augmented & Virtual Reality, Vol. 1, No. 2, July- December 2023, DOI:
  23. Shawanti Roy, Jayanti Sarker, Sayan Paramanik, Krishna Sarker,” AN OVERVIEW OF SMART GRID SMART METERS WITH FAULT DETECTION”,  i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2023,, ISSN:2229-7286, DOI:10.26634/jele.14.1.20196.


Conference Publications

  1. Santra, K. Sarker, A. Mondal, A. Mukherjee. Hybrid PSO – ACO technique to solve economic load dispatch problem. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN), DOI:10.1109/ICRCICN.2015.7434233, pages187 – 191, Print ISBN: 978-1-4673-6734-9, Publication date 2015/11.
  2. Dipankar Santra, Krishna Sarker, Anirban Mukherjee, Debasish Chatterjee. Hybrid PSO-ACO algorithm to solve economic load dispatch problem with transmission loss for small scale power system. IEEE 2016 International Conference on Intelligent Control Power and Instrumentation (ICICPI), Volume 8, Issue 2 DOI: 10.1109/ICICPI.2016.7859707, Pages 226-230, Publication date 2017/2/23.
  3. Dipankar Santra, Krishna Sarker, Subrata Mondal, Anirban Mukherjee. Load Optimization using Hybrid Metaheuristics in Power Generation with Transmission Loss in. Hybrid Metaheuristics: Research and Applications published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore in
  4. Santra, K. Sarker, A. Mukherjee, S. Mondal. Medium scale multi-constraint economic load dispatch using hybrid metaheuristics. Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN), 2017 Third International Conference on, Publisher IEEE, Pages 169-173, Publication date 2017/11/3.
  5. Sayan Paramanik, Krishna Sarker, Biswajit Mahanty, Avijit Chakraborty, Debashis Chatterjee, S.K Goswami. Smart Wireless Distribution for Micro Grid System. IEEE, 3rd international conference “2019 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC 2019)”, 348-355.
  6. Sayan Paramanik, Krishna Sarker, Debashis Chatterjee, S. K. Goswami. Smart Grid Power Quality Improvement Using Modified UPQC. IEEE, 3rd international conference,”2019 Devices for Integrated Circuit” DevIC 2019, 356-360.
  7. Sayan Paramanik, Partha Sarathi Sarkar, Koustav Kumar Mondol, Avijit Chakraborty, Sajib Chakraborty, Krishna Sarker. Survey of Smart Grid Network Using Drone & PTZ Camera. 3rd international conference,”2019 Devices for Integrated Circuit” DevIC 2019, 361-364.
  8. Indranil Kushary, Sayan Paramanik, Krishna Sarker, Jayanti Sarker, Pritam Kumar Gayen. A Modified Five-Level Inverter Topology for EV Using Non-Conventional Energies with Grid Connected Mode. Springer, 1st International Conference on Innovation in Modern Science and Technology “ICIMSAT-2019.
  9. Indranil Kushary, Sayan Paramanik, Partha Sarathi Sarkar, Krishna Sarker, Pritam Kumar Gayen. A Review of Wind Energy Conversion System ICNNEE2019: International Conference on Nanotechnology& Nanomaterials for Energy and Environment, 2019.
  10. Dipankar Santra, Anirban Mukherjee, Krishna Sarker and Subrata Mondal. Dynamic economic dispatch using hybrid metaheuristics. Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology,, 7:3, 2020.
  11. A Flexible Auxiliary Damping Loop for the Islanded Microgrid, 2021 International Conference in Advances in Power, Signal, and Information Technology (APSIT), Page 1-5, DOI: 1109/APSIT52773.2021.9641288, 2021/10/8

Book Publication

  1. Jayanti Sarker (Bhattacharjee), Krishna Sarker (2023). Power Quality Improvement by FACTS Controller. Scholar’s Press: Indian Ocen Ltd and Omni Scriptum S. R. L Publishing group, ISBN-13: 978-620-6-77054-1, and EAN: 9786206770541, 2023-12-08.
  2. Krishna Sarker, Jayanti Sarker (Bhattacharjee) (2023). Design of Virtual Electrical Lab. Scholar’s Press: Dodo books Indian Ocen Ltd and Omni Scriptum S. R. L Publishing group, ISBN-10: 6206770532, ISBN-13:978-620-6-77053-4 and EAN: 9786206770534, 2023-12- 07.
  3. Krishna Sarker. Control Systems “State Space Analysis of Control Systems”. ISBN- 978-613-8-91912-4, Scholars’ Press Publication,
  4. Krishna Sarker. FACTS Controllers “Performance of different types Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) Controllers”. ISBN-13: 978-613-8-91213-2, Scholars’ Press Publication, 2019.
  5. Krishna Sarker. POWER SYSTEM MODELLING & SOME ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. ISBN-13: 978-613-8-91231-6, Scholars’ Press Publication,
  6. Sayan Paramanik, Krishna Sarker. Smart Grid Technology with Smart Devices and Smart Applications. ISBN-13: 978-613-8-91055-8, Scholars’ Press Publication,
  7. Sayan Paramanik, Tanmoy Chakraborty, Krishna Sarker. Solar Power and Piezoelectric Based Energy Optimization. ISBN: 978-613-8-83523-3, Scholars’ Press Publication, 2019.


Book Chapter Publication

  1. Dipankar Santra, Krishna Sarker, Jayanti Sarker, Anirban Mukherjee, Subrata Mondal. Combination of Stochastic Methods for Solving ELD Problem of Thermal Power Generation System. Stochastic Methods for Estimation and Problem Solving in   Engineering, Pages33-60, Publisher:   IGI   Global, ISBN13: 9781522550457; ISBN10: 1522550453; EISBN13: 9781522550464, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225- 5045-7, Publication date2018/3/2.
  2. Sayan Paramanik, Krishna Sarker, Biswajit Mahanty. Continuous Monitoring of Railway Tracks with Speed Control of Rail Wirelessly. Contemporary Advances in Innovative and Applicable Information Technology, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 812, 1540-4_18, Pages 169-173, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019


  1. Patent Name: Active Control Applied to Wind Power for Attenuating Torque. Patent ID: 202131050399 Approved by: Govt. of India_ Indian PATENT (U/S 11A), Year: 2021
  1. Patent Name: Power Softening of Wind Generation using Fuzzy logic and Energy Storage System. Patent ID: 202131061655, Approved by: Govt. of India_ Indian PATENT (U/S 11A), Year: 2022

Member: Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)


  1. MHRD/AICTE Sponsored Winter School Training Programme conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training & Research, Kolkata, “IMPROVEMENT OF TEACHING METHODOLOGY” from 05-01-2009 to 10-01-2009.
  2. West Bengal State Electricity Board-Office of the senior director human resource development department, West Bengal 21-06-2005 to 02-07-2005.
  3. AICT sponsored Short Term Course on Electric Power Quality and Control 12-02-2010 to 25-02-2010.
  4. AICT sponsored DTE Kolkata the workshop on “Office Automation” held on 25-01-2017 to 28-01-2017.
  5. AICT sponsored DTE Kolkata the workshop on “Office Automation” held on 25-01-2017 to 28-01-2017.
  6. ISTE Workshop on Aakash for Education conducted by IIT Bombay on 10th & 11th November,
  7. Two- week ISTE Workshop on Signals and Systems, IIT Kharagpur, National mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) on 2nd -12th January,
  8. Two- week ISTE-STTP Workshop on CMOS, mixed signal and radio frequency VLSI design, IIT Kharagpur, (MHRD, Govt. of India) on 13th January, 2017 to 4th February,
  9. Two- week ISTE-STTP Workshop on Electric Power System, IIT Kharagpur, (MHRD, Govt. of India) on 12th June, 2017 to 15th July,
  10. Two- week ISTE-STTP Workshop on Control Systems, IIT Kharagpur, (MHRD, Govt. of India) on 2nd to 12th December,
  11. IEEE Conference 4 times (Participation, Authorship etc.)
  12. One-week FDP (MHRD IPR Chair, WBNUJS, Govt. of India), Techno Main Salt Lake, on 17 May 2020- 27 May
  13. Hybrid Learning Training Program by AICTE, 13th and 14th Sep 2022.
  14. Webinar on Accelerators/Incubation – Opportunities for Students & Faculties- Early-Stage Entrepreneurs 26th August 2022_IIC_STCET.
  15. Webinar on Entrepreneurship Development 30th April 2022_STCET_IIC.
  16. Webinar on Cooperative Localization – An Innovative Solution for Advanced Air Mobility 2nd April 2022_STCET_IIC.
  17. Webinar on ‘Recent Trends in Innovative Technology’ IIC 25/02/2022.
  18. Webinar on ‘Expert Talk on IPR’ IIC 23rd February 2022.
  19. Converting Ideas into Marketable Products (Webinar), Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC), STCET. 26th February, 2022.
  20. FDP Attended: “DATA SECURITY AND IOT”. 11th July to 15th July, Organized by RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) CELL STCET.
  21. STTP Attended: 5-day online International STTP on “Application of Field Theory & Power Electronics in the Field of power Engineering” during 20-24 Sept.
  22. Technical Seminar arranged: Technical Seminar named “Smart Grid & Smart Home for Energy Conservation” on 27th April, Thursday, 2023.
  23. Series of Lectures on ‘Knowledge Based System’ in March, 2023, STCET.
  24. FDP on Automation System Design and Analysis Using Automation Studio (DELLSOFT) Software 5 days 2023.
  25. FDP on Microgrid Design & Analysis using HOMER Pro Microgrid Software Studio (DELLSOFT) Software 5 days 2023.
  26. FDP on Microgrid Design & Analysis using HOMER Pro Microgrid Software (DELLSOFT) Software 5 days 2023.
  27. Krishna Sarker, ‘IoT Application for Sensor Technology’, NITTTR, Kolkata, 03/07/2023 to 07/07/2023 (FDP).
  28. Krishna Sarker, ‘From Signals to Shields & Defending the Digital Realm: Innovative Cybersecurity Session for Electronics/Electrical Professionals’ (Workshop), STCET, KOLKATA, 16/08/2023 to 17/08/2023.
  29. Krishna Sarker, One-week online Faculty Development Program on “Global Energy Scenario: Transition from Conventional to Renewable” from 26-02-2024 to 01-03- 2024.



  1.  Technical Seminar named “Green Energy Conversion with Control in Power Systems through Power Electronics” on 13th May, Friday, 2022.
  2. Workshop on ‘Green Energy & IoT’ on 15th & 16th September 2022. Association with Software club (AICTE-SPICE), STCET & Professional Development Cell Students.
  3. Technical Seminar arranged on “Smart Grid & Smart Home for Energy Conservation” on 27th April, 2023, organized at St’ Thomas’ College of Engineering & Technology



Projects Supervised

  1. Modeling and control of a doubly fed induction generator
  2. Design of Inverter with Solar Charge Controller
  3. Design of voltage source inverter
  4. Photovoltaic Solar Power Generation with Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)
  5. Design of DC motor and speed control.
  6. Design of Micro-grid
  7. Water Level Control
  8. Automatic Street Lights Control Using
  9. Piezoelectric based charger
  10. Automatic Room Light, Fan, Door Controller using Sensors
  11. Home Automation System Using Arduino Microcontroller
  12. Android Based Electrical Appliance Control
  13. DRONE
  14. ELD- Loss, Cost and emission dispatch
  15. GSM based Substation Monitoring and Control System.
  16. Wireless Power Transfer
  17. Harmonic optimization of a doubly fed induction generator
  18. Automatic generation Control.
  19. Power Quality Improvement Using FACTS Controller.
  21. Hardware Design of 1-phase Transformer (Mini Project)
  22. Hardware Implementation of a Solar cell phone charger _Software & Hardware Model Analysis (mini project)