Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA.
Congratulations Shabnam Parween (Passout Batch 2024), on receiving offer from FLIPKART with a remuneration of 25.7 LPA

Admissions 2024 - 25

Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA

Dr. Prasun Chowdhury

Associate Professor, HOD

Electronics & Communication Engineering | ECE

Academic Information


Ph.D.: Jadavpur University, 2015

M.E.: Jadavpur University , 2009

B. Tech.: WBUT, 2006

Area of Specialization


Broadband Wireless Communication & IoT



05 years


09 years


Date of Joining


Date of Assign as Prof. / A.P



Mobile Communication & Networks (EC 701C)

Internet of Things (EE 701B)

Digital Communication Lab (EC 592)

Project (EC 781)

Information Theory & Coding (EC 603D)

Internet of Things (EC 803A)

C-Programming Lab

Project (EC 882)

Microprocessor & Micro Controllers Lab (EC 492)

Journal Publications

  1. Prasun Chowdhury, Sanhita Bhattacharjee, Samrat Bhowmick, Aindrila Chowdhury, Sanjana Ghosal,  “Development of an IoT Based Parking Management System”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research ( | UGC and issn Approved), ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.9, Issue 12, page no. ppa744-a749, December-2022, Available at :
  2. Prasun Chowdhury and Iti Saha Misra, “An Improved Call Admission Control Mechanism with PrioritizedHandoff Queuing Scheme for BWA Networks” IOP Conference series: Material Science and Engineering,vol.67,2014.
  3. AninditaKundu, Prasun Chowdhury,Iti Saha Misra,SalilK.Sanyal,“QoSAwareIntegratedCallAdmissionand Cognitive Channel AllocationScheme fora Macro-Femto BWA Network”,published intheAICITJournalofResearchNotes inInformationScience,vol.11,pp.47-59,Jan2013.
  4. Prasun Chowdhury, AninditaKundu,Iti Saha Misra,SalilKSanyal,“LoadBalancingwithReducedUnnecessary Handoff inEnergy Efficient Macro/Femto-cell basedBWA Networks” International JournalofWireless&MobileNetworks(IJWMN)Vol. 4,No.3, pp.105-118,June2012.
  5. Prasun Chowdhury, Iti Saha Misra, Salil K Sanyal, “Cross Layer QoS Support Architecture with Integrated CAC and Scheduling Algorithms for WiMAXBWA Networks”InternationalJournalofAdvancedComputer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 76-92, January 2012, The Science andInformationorganization(SAI),NewYork, USA.(SCOPUSindexed).
  6. Prasun Chowdhury, ItiSahaMisra and Salil K. Sanyal, “An Integrated Call Admission Control and UplinkPacket Scheduling Mechanism for QoS Evaluation of IEEE 802.16 BWA Networks”, Canadian Journal1, No.3, April 2010.
  7. Prasun Chowdhury and Iti Saha Misra, “A Fair and Efficient Packet Scheduling Scheme for IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access systems” International Journal of Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC),Vol.1,No.3,pp.93-104, September 2010.
  8. Prasun Chowdhury, Iti Saha Misra, “Compatibility of Various Queue Scheduling Algorithms with Varied Network Service Load in IEEE 802.16 BWA Networks” International Journal of Computer Information systems (IJCIS)Vol.1, No.5, pp. 61-69, Dec2010.

International Conference Publications

  1. P. Chowdhury, Debnandan Bhattacharyya, Ritaban Das, Sourav Kr. Burnwal, Asis Prasad, “Development of IoT Based Biometric Attendance System using Fingerprint Recognition” proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Network Security and Blockchain Technology (ICNSBT-2023), dated 25-26 March 2023, organized jointly by Vidyasagar University and the Computer Society of India, Kolkata Chapter.
  2. P. Chowdhury, Mondal S., Ghosh R. 2021)Design and Analysis of an Efficient Queue Scheduling Scheme for Heterogeneous Traffics in BWA Networks. Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning. Advancesin Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1276. Springer, Singapore.
  3. Ghosh, P Chowdhury“Google Controlled Car” proceedings of IEEE sponsored International Conferenceon Emerging Trendsin Wireless Communication Technologies & Information Security(EWCIS 2020)held during 8th-9th October, 2020.
  4. P. Chowdhury, Rittika Sen, Dhruba Ray,Purushottam Roy and Souradeep Sarkar,“Garbage Monitoring and Disposal System for Smart City using IoT”published in IEE Explore, Second International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things,16th -18th August 2018, Bangalore. Added to IEE EXplore:04 July2019 INSPEC Accession Number:18797422
  5. PrasunChowdhury,SouvikDe,“ProgrammableMultimodeTwinPumpController,”Proceedingsof IEEEICACCI,Manipal,Sep,2017.
  6. Souvik De, Sneh Agarwal, Prasun Chowdhury and Supriyo Sengupta, “Payroll Management SystemwithBiometricID”proceedingsof IEEEICTPACT, Apr., 2017,Chennai.
  7. Prasun Chowdhury, PoulamiBala, DiptadeepAddy, SumitGiri, Aritra Ray Chaudhuri, “RFID and AndroidBased Smart Ticketing and Destination Announcement System” Proceedings of IEEE ICACCI,Jaipur,Sep,2016.
  8. Prasun Chowdhury and ItiSahaMisra, “An Improved Call Admission Control Mechanism with PrioritizedHandoff Queuing Scheme for BWA Networks” Abstract proceedings of 2nd Radio and Antenna Days oftheIndian Ocean (RADIO-2014),Mauritius,7-10thApril,2014 (Young ScientistAwarded(URSI)).
  9. Prasun Chowdhury and Iti Saha Misra, “Queue Size Analysis of QoS-aware Weighted Hybrid Packet Scheduling Scheme for BWA Networks”Proceedings of IEEEICON 2013, Singapore,11-13Dec,2013.
  10. AninditaKundu, Prasun Chowdhury, ItiSahaMisra, Salil K. Sanyal, “Buffered Non-Random Channel Access Method for better QoS of Cognitive Users”Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Devices and Intelligent Systems (CODIS 2012) hosted by Dept. of ETCE, IEEE, Jadavpur University, December, 2012.
  11. Anindita Kundu, Prasun Chowdhury,Iti Saha Misra, Salil K. Sanyal, “Design and Implementation of a Cognitive Channel Allocation Algorithm for BWA System” Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Devices and Intelligent Systems(CODIS2012) hosted byDept.of ETCE, IEEE, Jadavpur University,December, 2012.
  12. Prasun Chowdhury, Anindita Kundu,Iti Saha Misra,Salil K Sanyal,“Analytical Model for Channel Allocation Scheme in Macro/femto-cell Based BWA Networks” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Computing and Software Systems(RACSS2012), pp.164-169, Chennai, April, 2012.
  13. Prasun Chowdhury,Anindita Kundu,Iti Saha Misra,Salil K Sanyal,“Load Balancing with Reduced Unnecessary Handoff in Hierarchical Macro/Femto-cell WiMAX Networks” Proceedings of The fourth international conference on wireless, mobile networks and application(WiMOA-2012),Advancesin Intelligent and Soft Computing, Springer,Volume167, pp.457-467,Delhi,May,2012.
  14. Prasun Chowdhury, Anindita Kundu, Iti Saha Misra, Salil K Sanyal, “Development of an Analytical Modelfor WiMAXFemto Cellular Networks Using Continuous Time Markov Chain”Accepted in 2012 Wireless Symposium and Summer School,VirginiaTech,USA,Feb, 2012
  15. Prasun Chowdhury,Anindita Kundu, Iti Saha Misra, Salil K Sanyal, “A Tradeoff Pricing Strategy UsingAHP for Revenue Maximization in WiMAX Networks” Proceedings of Annual IEEE India Conference(INDICON), 1-4, Hyderabad, Dec,2011.
  16. PrasunChowdhury,ItiSahaMisra, “An Efficient Quality of Service Scheduling Strategy for IEEE 802.16Broadband Wireless Access Systems”, Proceedings of Int. conf. NeCoM-2010, Recent Trends in Netwoks and communication, Springer,vol 90, pp.306-315, Chennai,July,2010.
  17. Prasun Chowdhury and Iti Saha Misra, “A Comparative Study of Different Packet Scheduling Algorithmswith Varied Network Service Load in IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Systems”IEEE Proc. ofInt.Conf. Advanced Computing & Communications,Bangalore,Dec,2009.


National Conference Publications 

  1. Anindita Kundu, Prasun Chowdhury, Iti Saha Misra, Salil K. Sanyal, “Power Optimization in Cognitive Femto Base Stations using Non-Cooperative Game Theory”, presented in the National Conference onSustainable Development through Innovative Research in Science and Technology, Jadavpur University, September, 2012.
  2. Prasun Chowdhury, Iti Saha Misra, “Quality of Service Scheduling for 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Systems”,presented in National Workshop cum Seminar on Distributed Computing (NSDC-09), Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Sikkim, March,2009.

Book Chapters

  1. Prasun Chowdhury, Debnandan Bhattacharyya, Ritaban Das, Sourav Kr. Burnwal, Asis Prasad, “Development of IoT Based Biometric Attendance System using Fingerprint Recognition” Lecture Notes in network and Systems (Springer, Nature) tobe published by Sep 28, 2023.
  2. Dutta T., Chowdhury P., Mondal S., Ghosh R. (2021) “Design and Analysis of an Efficient Queue Scheduling Scheme for Heterogeneous Traffics in BWA Networks”. Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1276. Springer, Singapore.
  3. Ghosh, P Chowdhury (2020) “Google Controlled Car” Trends in Wireless Communication and Information Security, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering vol. 740, Springer.
  4. Prasun Chowdhury, Anindita Kundu,Iti Saha Misra,SalilKSanyal,“LoadBalancingwithReducedUnnecessary Handoff in Hierarchical Macro/Femto-cell WiMAX Networks” Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing,Springer,Volume167, pp.457-467,Delhi,May,2012.
  5. Prasun Chowdhury, Iti Saha Misra, “An Efficient Quality of Service Scheduling Strategy for IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Systems”, Recent Trends in Networks and communication, Springer,vol 90, pp.306-315, Chennai, July,2010.




Life Member: ISTE (LM 123270)

Member: IEEE (91174464)



  1. 2nd International Conference on Network Security and Blockchain Technology(ICNSBT-2023), dated 25-26 March 2023, organized jointly by Vidyasagar University and the Computer Society of India, Kolkata Chapter.
  2. IEEE sponsored 2nd Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO-2014), Mauritius, 7-10th April, 2014
  3. IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2013), Singapore, 11-13 Dec, 2013
  4. IEEE sponsored International Conference on Recent Advances in Computing and Software Systems (RACSS 2012), pp. 164-169, Chennai, April, 2012.
  5. The fourth international conference on wireless, mobile networks and applications (WiMOA-2012), Delhi, May, 2012.
    IEEE India Conference (INDICON), Hyderabad, Dec, 2011.
  6. International conference NeCoM-2010, Recent Trends in Networks and communication, Chennai, July, 2010.
  7. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communications (ADCOM), Bangalore, Dec, 2009.



  1. IoT Application for Sensor Technology, NITTTR, Kolkata.
  2. Faculty development Program on “Data Security & IoT”.
  3. Faculty development Program on “Effective Teaching & learning”.
  4. Organized Faculty development Program on “Internet of Things”
  5. 5.4-days Online Course on Examination Reforms organized by AICTE.
  6. “Short Term Training Program on Effective Training” in NITTTR, Kolkata During.(5days)



1. Summer Workshop on Green Energy & IoT (Sep 15 – 16, 2022)
2.Summer workshop on Embedded System & IoT (Aug 26 – 28, 2021)
3.Introduction to Embedded System (July 24 – 25, 2020)

1. Faculty development Program on “Internet of Things” during Dec 1 – 5, 2020.




UG Project Guided

  1. Voice Controlled Smart Wheel chair.
  2. MQTT based Monitoring System for Coal Mines.
  3. Development of a Cyber Physical System.
  4. Smart Energy Meter.
  5. IoT based Automatic Health & Attendance Monitoring System for office.
  6. IoT based Smart Ration Distribution System.
  7. Development of Biometric Attendance System.
  8. Development of an IoT based Car parking management system

Mini- Project Guided

  1. Gesture based Home Automation System.
  2. Smart Weather Monitoring System.
  3. Covid Guider.
  4. Online exam portal.




Invited Lecture

  1. Invited Talk on “Hands-on IoT” in the summer workshop on “Green Energy & IoT” during Sep 15 – 16, 2022 at STCET, Kolkata.
  2. Invited talk on “Innovation of Smart System using IoT” organized by IEI Students chapter, IIC & PDC Cell at STCET on 3rd March, 2023.


  1. Young Scientist Award (YSA) by URSI (International Union of Radio Science) in RADIO 2014 conference held in Mauritius.


Scholarship/Grant Achieved

  1. Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) Scholarship, Govt. of INDIA, in the Dept. of ETCE at Jadavpur University for a period of 2007-2009.
  2. State Government Fellowship in the Dept. of ETCE at Jadavpur University, for a period of 2009- 2014.
  3. Travel grant for presenting paper in ICON 2013, Singapore from JU Students research fund.