Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA.
Congratulations Shabnam Parween (Passout Batch 2024), on receiving offer from FLIPKART with a remuneration of 25.7 LPA

Admissions 2024 - 25

Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA

Dr. Shila Ghosh

Professor & Principal

Electronics & Communication Engineering | ECE

Academic Information


PhD (Engg.): Optoelectronics & Optical Communication: Dept of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Jadavpur University, 2002.

M.Sc Tech: Applied Physics (Spl: Optoelectronics): University of Calcutta, 1987.

B.Sc (Physics Hons): Bethune College, University of Calcutta, 1984

Area of Specialization


Optical Communication and Networks



07 Years


22 Years


05 Years

Date of Joining


Date of Assign as Prof. / A.P


Fibre Optic Communication (PE-EC801B)

Signals & Systems (EC303)

Research Area

Optical communication & Networks.

Optical internet of things (OIoT)


PhD GUIDANCE : Awarded: 01 ; Under Guidance: 02


International Journal Publications

  1. Madhumita Sarkar, Shila Ghosh, “Implementation of designed OCDMA code in RoF for future 5G communication”. Journal of optics , SCI – IF:1.8
  2. “Development of a secured optical code division multiple access system by implementing hybrid 2D modified Walsh code”, Madhumita Sarkar, Shila Ghosh ,Optical Engineering, October,2020; 59(10), 106107 .
  3. “Performance enhancement of optical code-division multiple access systems using transposed modified Walsh code” S. Sikder, S. Ghosh, Optical Engineering,SPIE, February 2018 Optical Engineering 57(02):1DOI:10.1117/1.OE.57.2.026114.
  4. “Design and Performance Analysis of Modified Walsh Code (MWC) in OCDMA System”, S. Sikder, S. Ghosh, International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science, IJIACS, ISSN 2347 – 8616 Volume 4, Pearson Proceedings ISBN no (9789332548961). March 2015.
  5. “Performance Analysis of OCDMA System with Unipolar Walsh Coding”, Paper ID: IJC1907, S. Sikder, S. Ghosh, International journal on communication, vol. 2, issue 3, USA, 2013, ISSN : 1932-8036.
  6. “A wide-angle X-junction in Polymer using truncated –structural branches (TSB)”, M.K. Pandit, H.P. Chan, K.S. Chiang, , S. Ghosh, A.K. Das IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol.20, No. 1, Jan 2002.
  7. “The WDM performance of compact X-junction switches in Polymer” M.K. Pandit, H.P. Chan, K.S. Chiang,, S. Ghosh, A.K. Das, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, USA in March 20, 2001.
  8. “A digital optical switch (DOS) in polymer using truncated –structural X-branchs” M.K. Pandit, H.P. Chan, K.S. Chiang, ,S.Ghosh, A.K. Das Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, USA,27,pp 229- 233,2000.
  9. “A novel wide-angle polymeric X-junction using truncated –structrual branches”, M.K. Pandit, H.P. Chan, K.S. Chiang,, S. Ghosh, A.K. Das, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, USA in Aug 5,, 1999,pp 197-200.
  10. “A wide-angle polymeric Y-junction using gradient –index (GRIN)”, M.K. Pandit, H.P. Chan, K.S. Chiang,, S. Ghosh, A.K. Das, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, USA in July 20, 1999, pp 126-129.
  11. “Characteristics of Polymeric optical passive single-mode waveguiding devices fabricated by argon ion laser” , Alok K Das, Bharat S. Chaudhuri and Shila Ghosh,Applied Optics vol. 37, no. 28, Oct’98, published by the Optical Society of America.
  12. “ Effect of laser on skin-A review” ,Shaunak Ghosh and Shila Ghosh International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry , Vol-11,No.2 pp 161-166, ISSN-0973-2691


National Journal Publications

  1. “ Branching wav eguides with truncated structure and phase matching”, Shila Ghosh, R.K. Dutta, A.K. Das, M.K. Pandit, H.P. Chan and K.S. Chiang, Journal of Optics vol.29, no. 3, pp139-160, 2000, Published by The optical Society of India.ISSN -0972-8821.
  2. “Low-loss wide-angle polymeric single-mode Y-junction”, A.K.Das, M.K. Pandit, S.Ghosh and B.S. Chaudhuri,Journal of Optics, vol.28, no.1, pp 21-31, 1999, Published by The optical Society of India. ISSN -0972-8821
  3. “ Polymetric single-mode step and Gaussian refractive index profile directional couplers”, Alok K.Das, Bharat S, Chaudhuri and Shila Ghosh, Journal of Optics vol.27, no. 1, pp3-18, 1998, Published by The optical Society of India. ISSN -0972-8821.


International Conference Publications

  1. Madhumita Sarkar, Shila Ghosh, “Performance Analysis of Radio over Fiber Technology for 5G Communication using Modified Walsh Code,” 14th International conference on Computing , Communication and network Technologies, ICCCNT’23, IIT Delhi held on 6-7 th July’23.
  2. “Development of Architecture for Secured Data Transmission in OCDMA System with Designed Code”. M. Sarker, S. Ghosh, IEEE explore, , Fifteenth International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WCON),Feb’18 Kolkata.
  3. “Optical Network Security using Unipolar Walsh Code”, Somali Sikder , Madhumita Sarkar and Shila Ghosh, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Materials and Applied Science (ICEEMAS) is organised by Swami Vivekananda Institute of Technology (SVIT), Secunderabad, Telangana, India.22- 23Dec’17.
  4. “ Implementation and Performance Analysis of Designed 2D MWC in Hybrid OCDMA System” pp.57, M. Sarkar, S. Ghosh , ICL2T/2016/025, International Conference on Light and Light based Technology(ICLLT-2016), Tezpur University.
  5. “Theoretical analysis and simulation Investigation of designed 1-D and 2-D Modified Walsh Code(MWC) in optical CDMA System”, S. Sikder, S. Ghosh, International conference on Microwave, optical and Communication Engineering(ICMOCE-15). IEEE-XPLORE pages 431 – 434, INSPEC Accession number- 16072585.
  6. “Remote controlling of home appliances using mobile phone and personal computer with interactive voice response systems , A Das, S. DasAdhikari, R. Basu, S. Ghosh, T. Banerjee Proceedings of International conference on nanoscience engineering and advanced computing , ICNEAC -2011.
  7. “Theoretical Study of use of optical orthogonal codes for compressed video transmission in optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) system” Shila Ghosh,, B.N. Chatterji, Presented in SPIE International conference on optical Engineering + Application, 26th -30th Aug’07 at California.
  8. “ A compact X-junction switch in polymer for WDM applications” , M.K. Pandit , H.P. Chan, K.S. Chiang, S. Ghosh and A.K. Das presented in Photonics 2000, International conference on Fiber optics and Photonics held in Calcutta on 18-20 Dec, 2000.
  9. “Wide-angle polymeric Y- junction devices using wavefront processing by a gradient –index zone” , M.K. Pandit , H.P. Chan, K.S. Chiang, S. Ghosh, A. K. Das, International conference on optics and Optoelectronics devices and Applications, Narosha Publishing House,Vol.1, pp. 470- 474.
  10. “ A novel design of wide –angle low loss polymeric X-junctions using phase front accelerators (PFAs)”, M.K. Pandit , H.P. Chan, K.S. Chiang, S. Ghosh and A.K. Das, Photonics –98 International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics , Viva Books Pvt. Ltd. 1999, vol.2, pp.643-646.
  11. “ Novel designs of Wide-angle low loss polymeric Y-juctions with optimized refractive –index grading” , M.K. Pandit, H.P. Chan, S.Ghosh, A.K. Das, proceeding of IPC’98 ( International Photonics Conference ) Dec15-18, 1998, Taipei, Taiwan pp. 155-157.
  12. “ Design of a new wide-angle polymer X-junction Photonics west, M.K. Pandit , H.P. Chan, K.S. Chiang, S. Ghosh and A.K. Das, 22-28 Jan, Proc. SPIE, vol. 3936.
  13. “ Measurement of surface condition and the absorption properties of the material using optical system”, S. Ghosh, B.S. Chaudhuri, S.P. Chaudhuri and A.K. Das, Published in Proc. of fifth annual paper meet of Institution of “ Engineers , Bangladesh 5th –7th Nov, 98, pp 70-76.
  14. “Fabrication of single-mode and Gaussian refractive index profiles waveguides” A.K. Das, S Ghosh, B. S. Chaudhuri, Proc. Of Fourth annual paper meet of Institution of Engineers , Bangladesh 23-25 Oct’97 pp. 343-357


National Conference Publications

  1. “ BER Analysis of OCDMA System with Unipolar Walsh Coding” , S. Sikder, S. Ghosh . Proceedings of Emerging Areas of Photonics & Electronics. Aug’13 pp.149, Kolkata.
  2.  “Study of Bipolar Walsh Coding in Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) System ,pp.200-203. S. Sikder, S. Ghosh.Proceedings of National Conference on Materials, Devices and Circuits in Communication Technology, IET, Burdwan University, Feb’12.
  3. “Digital Computing Using All Optical Technique ” Arijit Saha, Shila Ghosh Proceeding of Recent Trend Computing Technology, Kolkata March, 2009,pp. 69-74.
  4. “Design of a 2X2 Push-Pull optical switch”, Shila Ghosh , Proc. of Conference in recent trends in emerging technology (RTET’05) at Kolkata, 2005, pp 68-70.
  5. “Design rule for optimum length of (2X2) optical couplers for the application in communications and sensors”, S. Ghosh and A.K. Das , published in Proc. Of National seminar on computer networking and multimedia , held in Jadavpur University on 21-22 Dec. 2000.
  6. “ Characteristics of polymeric optical interconnects bus arrays and Y-branches using Argon ion laser” , A.K. Das, B.S. Chaudhuri, S. Ghosh , Proc. Of Workshop on Applications of Laser in Mechanical Industries (WALMI) held in Jadavpur University in Dec’97 pp. 149-157.
  7. “ Measurement of surface condition of the materials processed by high power laser using optical fibers”, A.K. Das, S. Ghosh, S.P. Chaudhuri and B. S. Chaudhuri, Proc. National Laser Symposium organized by Dept. of Atomic Energy , Govt. of India, Ahmedabad, Dec. 1997.
  8. “Reflective optical fiber sensors for surface characterization” A.K. Das, S. Ghosh, S.P. Chaudhuri and B. S. Chaudhuri , Published in Proc. of workshop on Application of Laser inMechanical Industries (WALMI) held in Jadavpur University in Dec’97 pp. 158-161.
  9. “ Reflective Optical fiber sensors” Proc. of National Laser Symposium”, A.K. Das, S.P. Chaudhuri and S. Ghosh, Dehradun, Feb 10-14, 1995, pp. 126-127.



  1. Fundamentals of Optical Communication & Networks, Shila Ghosh, Somali Sikder, Publisher: S.K. Kataria & Sons, ISBN 978-93-5014-639-2.



Member: SPIE,

Senior Member: IEEE

Life Member: Optical Society of India (OSI)

Member: Syllabus Committee (MAKAUT)

Member: Disciplinary Committee (MAKAUT)



  1. Several workshops, Seminar and confrence in country and in abroad.


Fund Received

  1. MODROBS: Received fund of 14 lakhs from AICTE to modernize Advanced Communication Lab.
  2. FDP : Received fund of 4 lakhs  from AICTE for FDP in communication system.
  3. Student activity fund : From SPIE, USA for 7 years as faculty advisor.

Invited Lecture

  1. Invited for delivering talk in the Workshop ‘Women in Photonics’ in Jena, Germany in May, 2022.


  1. Head examiner of MAKAUT for several years.