Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA.
Congratulations Shabnam Parween (Passout Batch 2024), on receiving offer from FLIPKART with a remuneration of 25.7 LPA

Admissions 2024 - 25

Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA

Dr. Sudeshna Kar

Assistant Professor

Basic Science & Humanities (Foundation Courses) | BS & H

Academic Information

PhD: Year: 2011 and University: University of Calcutta

M.Sc.: Year: 2005 and University: University of Calcutta

B.Sc.: Passed out Year: 2003 and University: University of Calcutta

Area of Specialization

Organic Chemistry, Peptide Science & Nanomaterials



8 years


2 years


Date of Joining


Date of Assign as Prof. / A.P

Publication: (Reverse chronological order*) 2023, 2022, 2021….

 Journal Publications:

  1. “Structural elucidation of a Mn(III) derivative anchored with a tetradentate Schiff base precursor: in vitro cytotoxicity study with a tetradentate Schiff base precursor: in vitro cytotoxicity study” Kuheli Das, Manasa G. Shetty, Sindhoora K. Melanthota, Babitha K. Sundara, Sudeshna Kar, Chiara Massera, Eugenio Garribba, Amitabha Datta, Nirmal Mazumder Chemical Papers, 2023, 77, 1989-1998
  2. “Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles for Bio-applications” Sudeshna Kar Journal of Sustainable Science and Transformative Research – Reviews & Letters 2022, 1, 59.
  3. “Marked Difference in Self-assembly, Morphology, and Cell Viability of Positional Isomeric Dipeptides Generated by Reversal of Sequence” Sudeshna Kar, Yian Tai, Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 1345-1351.
  4. “A Simple N, N′-Dicyclohexylurea adduct of b-alanine can self-assemble to generate nano-morphological versatility in response to different environmental conditions.” Sudeshna Kar, Bo-Hong Huang, Kung-Wei Wu, Chi-Rung Lee and Yian Tai, Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 8075-8082.
  5. “Study the Nano-Morphological Versatility by Self-Assembly of a Peptide Mimetic Molecule in Response to Physical and Chemical Stimuli” Sudeshna Kar, Kung-Wei Wu,a I-Jui Hsu,b Chi-Rung Leec and Yian Tai, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 2638-2641.
  6. “Synthesis of SERS-active stable anisotropic silver nanostructures constituted by self-assembly of multiple silver nanopetals” Sudeshna Kar, Christa Desmonda and Yian Tai, Plasmonis, 2014, 9(3), 485-492.
  7. “Small organic additive to improve the charge separation in an inverted bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaic” Ming-Chung Chen, Sudeshna Kar, Der-Jang Liaw, Wen-Hsiang Chen, Ying-Chi Huang and Yian Tai, Organic Electronics 2012, 13, 2702-2708.
  8. “Nano structures through self-assembly of protected hydrophobic amino acids: encapsulation of rhodamine B dye by proline-based nanovesicles” Sudeshna Kar, Michael G. B. Drew and Animesh Pramanik, Journal of Material Science, 2012, 47, 1825-1835.
  9. “A facile one step synthesis of N-2 substituted 3-phenyliminoisoindolinones from N-(2-carboxybenzoyl)-anthranilic acid and the design of reverse-turn mimetics” Pradyot Koley, Arpita Dutta, M. G. B. Drew, Sudeshna Kar and Animesh Pramanik, ARKIVOC, 2009 (x) 12-24.
  10. “Stabilization of two smallest possible diastereomeric b-hairpins in a water soluble tetrapeptide containing non-coded a-amino isobutyric acid (Aib) and m-amino benzoic acid” Anita Dutt, Arpita Dutta, Sudeshna Kar, Pradyot Koley, Michael G.B. Drew and Animesh Pramanik, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2009, 928, 138-143.
  11. “Ribbon-like biomaterials through b-sheet mediated self-assembly of peptides of general formula PhCO-Gly-Xx-OCH2Ph: Role of aromatic p-p interactionsArpita Dutta, Sudeshna Kar, Roland Fröhlich, Pradyot Koley and Animesh Pramanik, ARKIVOC, 2009 (vii), 247-259.
  12. “A terminally modified pseudopeptide (Gly-m-aminobenzoic acid) produces supramolecular helix, staircase and water-mediated b-sheet through self-assembly Arpita Dutta, Sudeshna Kar, Roland Fröhlich, Pradyot Koley and Animesh Pramanik, ARKIVOC, 2009 (ii), 31-43.
  13. “Design of a new foldamer turn-linker-turn in acyclic hexapeptides and formation of channels through self-assembly Arpita Dutta, Sudeshna Kar, M. G. B. Drew, Pradyot Koley and Animesh Pramanik, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2009, 917, 110-116.
  14. “pH responsive soft vesicles through self-assembly of b-turns” Sudeshna Kar and Animesh Pramanik, Chemistry Letters, 2011, 40, 564-566.
  15. “Formation of Vesicles through Solvent Assisted Self-Assembly of Hydrophobic Pentapeptides: Encapsulation and pH Responsive Release of Dyes by the Vesicles” Sudeshna Kar, Michael G. B. Drew and Animesh Pramanik, Proteins and Peptide Letters, 2011, 18(9), 886-895.
  16. “Peptidomimetic design of unusual turns by incorporating flexible and rigid w-amino acids simultaneously” Sudeshna Kar, Michael G. B. Drew and Animesh Pramanik, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2010, 963, 160-167.
  17. Overlapping Double Turn Conformations Adopted by Tetrapeptides Containing Non-Coded α-Amino Isobutyric Acid (AIB) and Formation of Tape-Like Structures Through Supramolecular Helix Mediated Self-Assembly” Sudeshna Kar, Arpita Dutta, M. G. B. Drew, Pradyot Koley and Animesh Pramanik, Protein and Peptide Letters, 2009, 16(9), 1063-1073.
  18. Formation of fibrillar structures through self-assembly of designed peptide turns” Sudeshna Kar, M. G. B. Drew and Animesh Pramanik, ARKIVOC, 2009 (xii), 43-59.
  19. “Design of Supramolecular b-Sheet forming b-Turns Containing Aromatic Rings and Non-Coded a-Amino Isobutyric Acid and the Formation of Flat Fibrillar Structures through Self-Assembly” Sudeshna Kar, Arpita Dutta, M. G. B. Drew, Pradyot Koley and Animesh Pramanik, Supramolecular Chemistry, 2009, 21(8), 681-690.


(a) Member of Scholars Academic and Scientific Society (SAS Society)


  • “Revised NAAC Framework” (26th June-30th June, 2023) organized by Adamas University
  • “Statistical analysis with excel” (5th June-9th June, 2023) organized by Research foundation of India& RFI-CARE
  • Innovative teaching and learning pedalogy” (27th May- 31st May, 2023) organized by Research foundation of India & RFI-CARE
  • “A step-by-step guide to write a good research paper” (18th March-27th March), 2023 organized by Research foundation of India & RFI-CARE
  • “Information and Communications Technology: Perspective, Methodology, Implementation ” (5th March 2022 to 12th March 2022) organized by Kolkata Society for Asian Studies in association with Sarojini Naidu College for Women & Indian Academic Researchers Association.

Project title: “Enhancing anticancer drug efficacy by drug conjugated gold nanoparticles”

Sanction letter No.: AU/REG/NOT/2023/11/003, dated 10.11.2023

Sanctioning authority: Adamas University

Sanctioned grant amount: One Lakh