Congratulations Shabnam Parween (Passout Batch 2024), on receiving offer from FLIPKART with a remuneration of 25.7 LPA

Admissions 2024 - 25

Congratulations Shabnam Parween (Passout Batch 2024), on receiving offer from FLIPKART with a remuneration of 25.7 LPA

Dr. Jeet Sarkar

Assistant Professor

Basic Science & Humanities (Foundation Courses) | BS & H

Academic Information

PhD: Mathematics: Raiganj University (2024)

M.Sc.: Applied Mathematics University: The University of Burdwan (2012)

B.Sc.: Mathematics  University: The University of Burdwan (2009)

Area of Specialization

Pure Mathematics:

  1. Complex Analysis more particularly value distribution theory and uniqueness property of a function sharing one or two values or functions.

Applied Mathematics:

  1. Fluid Mechanics( Viscous Flows and Boundary layer theory).
  2. Quantum Mechanics (Elements of quantum mechanics, chaos & fractals).



5 years


7 years


Date of Joining


Date of Assign as Prof. / A.P

Journal Publications:


  1. POWER OF AN ENTIRE FUNCTION SHARING ONE VALUE PARTIALLY WITH ITS DERIVATIVE, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (SCI)(Accept for publication 2023), No. of Co-author(s)-2. (Impact Factor.- 0.494) (Corresponding Author)


  1. ENTIRE FUNCTION SHARING TWO VALUES WITH ITS KTH DERIVATIVE WITH THE GLI NT OF NORMAL FAMILY, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics (SCI), Volume 20,143, 2023 ,   of Co-author(s)-2. (Impact Factor.- 1.305)
  2. ON A CONJECTURE OF LI AND YANG, Hiroshima Mathematical Journal (SCI), Volume 53, (2)2023 , pp- 199-223,   of Co-author(s)-2. (Impact Factor.- 0.174)


  1. ON AN OPEN PROBLEM OF ZHANG AND YANG, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 (Scopus Indexed journal), volume 71, pp 429–444 (2022), No.  of Co-author(s)-1.


  1. RESULTS ON UNIQUENESS OF ENTIRE FUNCTIONS RELATED TO DIFFERENTIAL-DIFFERENCE POLYNOMIAL, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov Series III (Scopus Indexed journal), 13(62)(2), 2020, 623-648 ISSN- 2065-2151, No.  of Co-author(s)-1.


  1. ENTIRE FUNCTION SHARING ENTIRE FUNCTION WITH ITS FIRST DERIVATIVE, Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics (Scopus Indexed journal), 46(5):675–683, 2020, ISSN- 1450-9628, of Co-author(s)-1.


  1. MEROMORPHIC FUNCTION SHARING ENTIRE FUNCTIONS IM WITH ITS FIRST DERIVATIVE, Quaestiones Mathematicae (SCI), Volume 43, 2020 – Issue 12, pp- 1663-1687 ISSN – 1607-3606,   of Co-author(s)-1. (Impact Factor.- 0.810)

Membership: Life Member of Calcutta mathematical society.

Sl. No. Title of the Paper




Title of Conference/ Seminar/ workshops Date(s) of

the Event

Organized by
1 Participated National Centre for Mathematics Advanced Training in Mathematics Schools 27.01.2013-31.01.2023 RMS-NCM Teacher’s Enrichment Workshop(TWN)
2 On an open problem of Zhang & Yang To-day National Seminar 14.03.2019-15.03.2019. Raiganj University


3 Meromorphic functions sharing two meromorphic functions with their k-th derivative International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and  Applications . 26.02.2020-28.02.2020. University of Kalyani


4 Entire function sharing two pairs of small function with their IM Nation Conference on “Mathematical and Computational Analysis 28.01.2023-30.01.2023 T.    D.P.G. College,UP

Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Science