Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA.
Congratulations Shabnam Parween (Passout Batch 2024), on receiving offer from FLIPKART with a remuneration of 25.7 LPA

Admissions 2024 - 25

Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA

Prashnatit Pal

Assistant Professor

Electronics & Communication Engineering | ECE

Academic Information

M.Tech.:University of Burdwan, 2006

B.E.: University of Burdwan, 2002

Area of Specialization

RF Microwave, Soft Computing, Information Security, Quality of Services (QoS) for Communication, Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning, IoT network & Block-chain





Date of Joining


Date of Assign as Prof. / A.P

Journal Publications

  1. Pal P, Chandra Sahana B, Poray J. RSA encrypted FSK RF transmission powered by aninnovative microwave technique for invulnerable security. The Journal of DefenseModeling and Simulation. August 2021. doi:10.1177/15485129211031670
  2. Pal, Prashnatita and Sahana, Bikash Chandra and Poray, Jayanta,” A Secure Speech               Communication framework for the Embedded System Powered by the High-       Frequency Technique – A Study,” Published on Scopus indexed journal Psychology.       And Education (2021) ISSN: 0033-3077 Volume: 58(4): Pages: 547-552.
  3. Indrajit Dutta, Kirti Bhushan Ganguly, Saikat Datta, Sankhadeep Mondal, Saswata Das, Soumyanetra Pal, Ujjwal Kumar, Prashnatita Pal, Review on Application of Bio-MEMS, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021.DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2021.9109

Conference Publications

  1. Adhikary, Kalyan; Prashnatita Pal; and Jayanta Poray. “The Minimum Spanning Tree Problem on networks with Neutrosophic numbers.”Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 63, 1 (2024).
  2. P.Pal, R Dhara, A Bal   “RADIOGRAPHIC EVALUATION For KNEE XNET USING ENSEMBLE MODELS” The International Conference on Educational Technology and Global Sustainability (ICETGS)  organised by the department of University Institute of Teachers Training and Research at Chandigarh University on February 2nd and 3rd, 2024.
  3. P. Pal,  R. Bhattacharya, J. Poray “An enhancement to the electronic message security algorithm ensuring data Security”The International Conference on Advances in Novel Materials: Towards Sustainable Future (ICAN24)  held on 20-22 January 2024 in St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi, India
  4. P. Pal,  R. Bhattacharya , and J. Poray , “Network Coverage Improvement for Citizens Broadband Radio Service via New Priority Access License” International Conference on Systems and Technologies for Smart Agriculture (ICSTA) December 2023. organised by Ministry of electronics & information technology government of india , Kolkata India.
  5. P. Pal, B.C. Sahana  , and J. Poray , “Secure Electronics Medical Infrastructure for Healthcare 4.0: A Voice Identity Management -Based Approach” International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE ) October 2023. Deradun, India.
  6. P. Pal, R. Bhattacharya  , and J. Poray , “ Convolution Neural Network to feed X-Ray Image-Based Pneumonia Identification” 12th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Physical Sciences August 28-31, 2023 Belgrade, Serbia.
  7. P. Pal, R. Bhattacharya  , and J. Poray , “Efficient Attribute- Based Unbounded Inner Product Functional Encryption for Many-Authority” ” International Conference on Security, Surveillance & Artificial Intelligence (ICSSAI) Dec.1-2  2023 Organised by Techno India University Kolkata,India.
  8. P. Pal, R. Bhattacharya  , and J. Poray , “Blockchain-based Cryptocurrency Payment System Model for Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce Platforms,” International Conference on Cryptology & Network Security with Machine Learning (ICCNSML) Oct. 20-22, 2023 Organised by DRDO,Chandigarh,India.
  9. Bhattacherjee, P. Pal and A. K. Mallick, “Analysis and design of a novel waveguide-to-microstrip transition structure at X-Band on HFS S platform,” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Antenna Innovations & Modern Technologies for Ground, Aircraft and Satellite Applications (iAIM), Bangalore, India, 2017, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/IAIM.2017.8402610.
  10. Mitra, B. Jana, S. Bhattacharya, P. Pal, and J. Poray, “Quantum cryptography: Overview, security issues and future challenges,” 2017 4th International Conference on Opto-Electronics and Applied Optics (Optronix), Kolkata, India, 2017, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/OPTRONIX.2017.8350006.
  11. Jana, P. Pal, and J. Poray, “A performance analysis on elliptic curve cryptography in network security,” 2016 International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering (ICCECE), Kolkata, India, 2016, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICCECE.2016.8009587.
  12. Bappaditya Jana, Prashnatit Pal, Saptarshi Mitra and Jayanta Poray, “Implementation of a secure Cloud computing authentication using Elliptic Curve Cryptograph acceptedand presented at IDEA2K17 at Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV) (A State Technical University), Bhopal, MP on 28-29 Oct 2017
  13. Pal, Prashnatita and Sahana, Dr. Bikash Chandra and Mallick, Dr. Amiya Kumar and Poray, Dr. Jayanta, Generation of Encrypted FSK RF Signals for Secured Communication Inspired with High Frequency Technique (May 26, 2020). International conference on Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence, IOT, Smart Cities & Applications (ICAISC-2020), Available at SSRN: or .
  14. Pal, Prashnatita and Sahana, Bikash Chandra and Ghosh, Sagnik and Poray, Jayanta, and Mallick, Amiya Kumar, Study on Voice Password Based Secured Communication using RSA and ElGamal Algorithm. 5th International Conference on Advance Computing and Intelligent Engineering 2020(ICACIE 2020) organised by University des Mascareignes, Mauritius in association with publication Partner Springer India Ltd.
  15. Sagnik Ghosh, Mainak Mallick, Debapriya Dasgupta, Bodhiswatta Bhowmik, Prashnatit Pal” Development of speech encryption and decryption embedded system, National Conference on Interdisciplinary Research & Innovative Technologies, June 2020.
  16. Indrajit Dutta, Kriti Ganguly, Saikat Dutta, Sankhadeep Mondal, Saswata Das*, Soumyanetra Pal, Ujjwal Kumar, Prashnatita Pal, Advancement in Medical Science with Bio Mems, International Web Conference on Recent Advances in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology for High-end Applications (IWCRANHA-2020), July 2020.
  17. Pal, Prashnatita and Sahana, Bikash Chandra and Poray, Jayanta Investigations of a Symmetrically Modulated Triangular Periodic Structures with Microstrip Lines and Its Application to Microwave Filter Design” International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation & Control (ici2c-2021) 20th to 22nd August 2021
  18. Pal, B. C. Sahana and J. Poray, “An Innovative High-Frequency WirelessCommunication Technique Inspired by Multi-Frequency Carrier Signals,” 2021 3rdInternational Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI),2021, Nagoya, Japan. pp. 117-122, Doi: 10.1109/ICCCI51764.2021.9486807.
  19. Pal, B. C. Sahana, J. Poray “Filter Characteristic of a Triangular PeriodicTransmission Line in Micro-Strip Structure,” 2021 IEEE 4th International Conferenceon Computing, Power, and Communication Technologies (GUCON), 2021, KualaLumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-6, Doi: 10.1109/GUCON50781.2021.9573587.
  20. Prashnatita Pal, Bikash Chandra Sahana Jayanta Poray. A novel Encoding/Decodingscheme with Belief Propagation and LDPC Codes. AICTE sponsored NationalConference on Communication, Computational Intelligence and Learning-2021[NCCCIL-21]
  21. Prashnatita Pal, Bikash Chandra Sahana Jayanta Poray; An Encoder/Decoderframework using LDPC Codes and Belief Propagation. Accepted at 9th InternationalConference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, 23rd – 25thMarch 2022. INDIACom-2022; IEEE Conference ID: 54597.Bharati Vidyapeeth’sInstitute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi (INDIA).
  22. Pal, A. Bal, and S. Sengupta, “Filter Characteristic in Micro-strip Structure Powered by Quasi-static Simulation and Measurements,” 2022 IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), Naya Raipur, India, 2022, pp. 169-172, doi: 10.1109/WIECON-ECE57977.2022.10150568.
  23. Pal, B. C. Sahana, J. Poray and A. Bal, “Error-Control Coding Algorithms and Architecture for Modern Applications Powered by LDPC Codes and Belief Propagation,” 2022 9th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), New Delhi, India, 2022, pp. 238-243, doi: 10.23919/INDIACom54597.2022.9763119.
  24. Data Analytics for Pandemic A Covid – 19 case study in Kolkata Supratim Bhattacharya1, Saberi Goswami, Prashnatita Pal, Jayanta Poray 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Science & Technology Chandigarh Engineering College Landran MOHALI, India, December 22-23, 2022.
  25. Sentiment Analysis using Fuzzy Model: Saberi Goswami, Prashnatita Pal, Jayanta Poray, Supratim Bhattacharya, World Conference Information Systems for Business Management (ISBM 2023)Bangkok, Thailand.

Book chapters

  1. Pal, P., Sahana, B.C., Poray, J., Mallick, A.K. (2021). Voice Password-Based Secured Communication Using RSA and ElGamal Algorithm. In: Panigrahi, C.R., Pati, B., Pattanayak, B.K., Amic, S., Li, KC. (eds) Progress in Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1299. Springer, Singapore.
  2. Pal, P., Sahana, B.C., Poray, J.,  (2022). A novel Encoding/Decoding scheme with Belief Propagation and LDPC code. In: Jadhav, S., Rahul, D., &Sapkal, A. (Eds.). (2022). Application of Communication Computational Intelligence and Learning: Routledge.
  3. Pal, P., Sahana, B.C., Poray, J., Mallick, A.K. (2022). Investigations of a Symmetrically Modulated Triangular Periodic Structures with Microstrip Lines and Its Application to Microwave Filter Design. In: Bhaumik, S., Chattopadhyay, S., Chattopadhyay, T., Bhattacharya, S. (eds) Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 815. Springer, Singapore.


Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), (USA)

1. IIT Ropar under ATAL Academy Topics in Hardware Security.
2. IIT Guwahati under MeitY, Gov of India Machine Learning Application in Signal Processing and Communication Engineering
3. IIT Guwahati under MeitY, Gov of India Quantum Computing
4. University of Burdwan under ATAL Academy GNSS/NavIC and Application
5. IIT Guwahati under MeitY, Gov of India Deep Learning & Application
6. C-DAC under ATAL Academy Digital Forensics in Cyber Security
7. IIT Guwahati under MeitY, Gov of India Digital tools for Writing Authority and Reviewing Manuscript
8. IIT Guwahati under MeitY, Gov of India Advanced Communication and Antenna
9. MSME-Technology Development Centre (PPDC) Research Training
10. ITS Engineering College under ATAL Academy Internet of Things

Final Year Project handled in UG level :

1. Design and implement of microstrip bandpass filter
2. Design and implement of Waveguide-to-Microstrip Transition Unit
3. RSA Encrypted FSK In X-Band Frequency by Using Single Reflex Klystron
4. Secured Voice Communication Using RSA Algorithm
5. Development of Speech Encrypting and Decrypting Embedded System
6. Design of Error Controlling Framework Using LDPC Code
7. Secure And Encrypted Image Transmission Technique for The Protection of GNSS (Global Navigation for Satellite System)