Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA.
Congratulations Shabnam Parween (Passout Batch 2024), on receiving offer from FLIPKART with a remuneration of 25.7 LPA

Admissions 2024 - 25

Congratulations Farzan Reza ( Pass out Batch 2024), on receiving an offer for Cloud Support Associate at Amazon, Bangalore with a remuneration of 28LPA

Subhashree Basu

Assistant Professor

Information Technology | IT

Academic Information


M. Tech.: West Bengal University of Technology, 2010

M.Sc.: Burdwan University, 2007

B.Sc.: Physics Honours, Bethune College, University of Calcutta, 2005



Area of Specialization

Nanotechnology, Quantum Computing, Hardware Security




16 Years


Date of Joining


Date of Assign as Prof. / A.P

Compiler Design

Artificial Intelligence

Distributed Systems

Cryptography and Network Security

Software Engineering

Operating Systems

Formal Language and Automata

Computer Architecture

Journal Publications

  1. Subhashree Basu, Malay Kuleand Hafizur Rahaman, “Implementation of Symmetric Functions Using Memristive Nanocrossbar Arrays and their Application in Cryptography”, Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers,  30, No. 12, 2150223 (2021)(SCI indexed).
  2. Shaunak Basu, Subhashree Basu “Reversible logic synthesis of modulo operation using an optimized parallel binary adder/subtractor”, Communications on Applied Electronics , vol 5, no. 16, 2016.
  3. Subhashree Basu, Supriyo Sengupta ”Modified BB84 protocol using CCD technology”,, JQIS, vol 6, ID 64831, 2016.
  4. Shaunak Basu, Subhashree Basu,“Reversible logic synthesis of sequential circuits”, IJCA , vol 129, no. 11, 2015.

Conference Publications

  1. Subhashree Basu, Ranjit Ghoshal, Malay Kule,”  On Detection of Hardware Trojan in Memristive Nanocrossbar-Based Circuits”, COMSYS 2022.
  2. Subhashree Basu, Malay Kule, Hafizur Rahaman, “Detection of Hardware Trojan in Presence of Sneak Path in Memristive Nanocrossbar Circuits”, International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2021, 1109/ISDCS52006.2021.9397908.
  3. Subhashree Basu ,Malay Kule , Hafizur Rahaman, “Symmetric Function Based Memristive Polimino PUF with Enhanced Security”, 6th IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES),2020, 10.1109/iSES50453.2020.00040.
  4. Subhashree Basu, Malay Kule, ‘Detection Of Hardware Trojan In Memristive Ternary CAM Circuits’, ISDCS 2020.
  5. Subhashree Basu, Malay Kule, “On The Synthesis Of Unate Symmetric Function Using Memristor-Based Nano-Crossbar Circuit”, CIPR 2019, IIEST, Shibpur.
  6. Subhashree Basu, Supriyo Sengupta, “A novel quantum cryptography protocol”, 15th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2016.



Life Member: Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE)

Life Member: Internet Society


  1. Faculty Development Program on “Data Security & IoT” organized by ST. Thomas’ College of Engineering and Technology.
  2. Faculty Development Program on “How to Write Good Research Papers”, organized by Eminent College of Management and Technology, Kolkata in association with International Knowledge Research Foundation.
  3. AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Faculty Development Program on QUANTUM COMPUTING” organized by IIIT DHARWAD.
  4. Short Term Training Programme through ICT Mode on “How to Write Thesis and Research paper” organized by NITTTR KOLKATA.
  5. STTP through ICT Mode on “Data Analysis using MATLAB” organized by NITTTR KOLKATA.
  6. AICTE sponsored Online Short-Term Training Programme on “Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition and their Applications” organized by ST. Thomas’ College of Engineering and Technology.
  7. Faculty Development Program on “Cloud Computing” organized by NPTEL.
  8. Faculty Development Program on “Software Engineering” organized by NPTEL.
  9. Short Term Training Programme on ANN and Deep learning organized by IIT, Guwahati.
  10. STTP through ICT Mode on “Image processing using MATLAB” organized by NITTTR KOLKATA.



UG Project Guided

Detection of Hardware Trojan using machine learning techniques

Covid 19 mortality prediction based on different comorbidity factors

Covid-19 outbreak prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms

Detection of different virus based on neural network algorithms

Reversible Logic Synthesis of sequential circuits

Online Job Portal

Web based Routine Management System



Best Paper Award: Subhashree Basu, Ranjit Ghoshal, Malay Kule,”  On Detection of Hardware Trojan in Memristive Nanocrossbar-Based Circuits”, COMSYS 2022.